
What is Your Snot Saying About You? [Science Videos]

What is Your Snot Saying About You? [Science Videos] It’s peak cold and flu season, and mucus is making many of our lives miserable. But despite being a…

7 years ago

What if we Have a Nuclear War and How to Survive One [Science Videos] Nuclear tensions appear to be mounting - but what actually happens if a bomb is dropped near you and…

7 years ago

Is Hand Sanitizer Actually Bad For You? [Science Video] Can hand sanitizer create super-bugs, or is that a myth? Find out in ASAP Science's latest video! [ASAP Science]

7 years ago

How An Igloo Keeps You Warm [Science Video] If you ever find yourself stranded in the snowy Arctic (or bored in Minecraft), you’re gonna need to know…

7 years ago

Paper and String: The DIY Centrifuge A centrifuge is a vital piece of kit for hospitals and labs across the world. But what if you…

7 years ago

Should YOU Be Afraid of BPA? [Science Video] BPA has had some bad press, and now we’re all wondering: Is BPA bad for us? Michael Aranda from…

7 years ago

Why Does Stepping on Legos Hurt So Much? [Video] Right up there with how the gun on the original Duck Hunt game worked, why it hurts so much…

7 years ago

The Science Behind Nitroglycerin: Explosive Heart Medication [Video] Imagine a substance so powerful that it could blow you to bits or save your life depending on how…

7 years ago

150 MPH Rocket Knife Can Slice Through Almost Anything [Video] From The Backyard Scientist: I recreated my favorite MythBusters experiment and tried to chop a car in half with…

7 years ago