
Big Question: Why did we stop going to the moon? [Video]

Big Question: Why did we stop going to the moon? [Video] In this episode of the Mental Floss show, host Craig Benzine explains the reason why we stopped going to…

7 years ago

What If You’re Born Without Sympathy & Empathy? Most of us are born with all our emotions in place, but what if a few crucial feelings were…

7 years ago

Brains May Make Automatic Memory Back-Up

The way brains form memories could be completely different than previously believed according to new research. It suggests we make…

7 years ago

The Bayesian Trap: The Bayes’ Theorem Explained Bayes' theorem explained with examples and implications for life. [Veritasium]

7 years ago

Why do animals have such different lifespans? [Science Video] For the microscopic lab worm C. elegans, life equates to just a few short weeks on Earth. The bowhead…

7 years ago

10 Amazing Accidental Discoveries

From the hallucinogenic that was intended to make you swear to the summertime snack accidentally created by a kid, some…

7 years ago

Should You Walk or Run When It’s Cold? [Science Video] Is it better to walk or run when it's cold out? If you run, then you have to deal…

7 years ago

The Facts, The Fears, and the Future of GMOs: Genetic Engineering & Our Food Are GMOs bad for your health? Or is this fear unfounded? Learn all about the facts, the fears, and…

7 years ago

Tetris Could Reduce Traumatic Memories

Playing Tetris could help reduce the chances of people suffering long-term mental effects from traumatic events according to a study.…

7 years ago

Elon Musk Wants Wireless Brain-Computer Connection

Elon Musk is working on a program to wirelessly connect human brains and computers. Potential purposes include boosting brains with…

7 years ago