
Twitter on TV a reality in Europe

Twitter can be used for as many purposes as there are types of communication, many of them of great social…

14 years ago

Why Nerds Are Spoiled

Even nerds can be curmudgeons. David Wahl yearns for the good old days as he writes about how networking has…

14 years ago

Bacon Mug Looks Delicious!

Hmmmm... a bacon mug... filled with what seems to be melted yellow cheese. The perfect side dish to go along…

14 years ago
Geeky Pics: Robots!

Geeky Pics: Robots!

With the popularity of both the kick-ass (Transformers) and adorable (WALL-E) variety, robots are kind of hot right now. But…

15 years ago

Debunking the Big Brain Myth

Just because we've got bigger brains doesn't mean we've got a leg up on the rest of the animal kingdom,…

15 years ago

Clearing your Lungs Free of Phlegm with the Lung Flute

One of the worse part of getting a disease that affects you lung is having the mucus accumulate in them.…

15 years ago

Balancing 117 Objects on a Single LEGO Brick

I'm not sure how this guy did it, but he succeeded in balancing 117 toys on a single, 4 X…

15 years ago

Microsoft Store Employees Line Dancing

Yes folks, these are employees from the Microsoft Store in Mission Viejo, California, line dancing to... Black Eyed Peas! How…

15 years ago

Apple considering ad-supported hardware

Apple has applied for a patent on a technology which would effectively embed adverts in its operating systems – and…

15 years ago

The 2000s: Decade of the Remake or Decade of the Geek?

What is it about remakes that gets geeks so hot under the collar? Sure, there are a lot of terrible…

15 years ago