
Portal Turret Tattoo [Picture]

This is a turret from Portal. This specific one, for those of you who have played Portal 2, is the…

13 years ago
Batman: Year One Trailer [Video]

Batman: Year One Trailer [Video]

Having grown up on Batman: the Animated Series, I have to admit that the upcoming Batman: Year One is as…

13 years ago

Nyan Cat Scarf [Pics]

If watching that Nyan Cat video from start to finish isn't enough to make you vomit rainbows or drive you…

13 years ago

Humans Matched by Chimprehension

A chimpanzee has thrown doubt on the idea that only human brains are specially adapted to process speech. The appropriately-named…

13 years ago

Terrafugia Transition Flying Car Finally Gets Regulatory Clearance

Terrafugia, the company that developed the transition flying car, has finally received regulatory clearance from the National Highway Traffic Safety…

13 years ago

Cool Tee: Horcrux Collectors’ Club

A tribute to all those that collect dark magical objects used to attain immortality. [Get it @ | 15%…

13 years ago

Iron Man and his Ironettes Performing at Japan Expo 2011 [Video]

Here's a video of Iron Man and his Ironettes performing at Japan Expo 2011, which is located, can you guess…

13 years ago