
Please Stop Dying: 7 Companion Characters With No Sense of Self-Preservation

Please Stop Dying: 7 Companion Characters With No Sense of Self-Preservation

All I should have to mention is 'escort missions' and all gamers should be ready to scream. There is nothing…

9 years ago

The Most Iconic Sidekicks In History [Infographic]

A look at some of the most iconic sidekicks in pop culture by the folks from Morphcostumes! [Source:]

9 years ago

Epic Steam Punk Star Wars [Pics]

Graphic artist Bjorn Hurri has given us some amazing renditions of our favorite Star Wars characters with a full Steam…

9 years ago

How to Cookie with Science!

From the American Chemical Society: Chocolate chip cookies are nearly universally adored. People like them in all sorts of textures,…

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Top 10 Massive Movie Plot Holes You’ve Never Noticed

From Karate Kid to Jurassic Park, your favorite movies are no doubt riddled with plot holes, but hopefully you’ve been…

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Master Static Electricity with the Jedi Force Levitator [Video]

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The Moment When You Just Want To Game But The World Wont Let You…

One Imgur user just wanted to come home after a long day of work and lose himself in a video…

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When You’re Dating the Internet [Comic]

[Source: Steve Loves Internet]

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Top 10 Secret Levels in Video Games

There is nothing cooler when you are a kid then when you are gaming and you happen upon a secret…

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