KICKSTARTER ALERT: USB Charger in a Simple, Sleek Wall Coverplate [PICS]

KICKSTARTER ALERT: USB Charger in a Simple, Sleek Wall Coverplate [PICS]

9 years ago

In a stroke of genius, SnapPower has combined a 1-amp USB charger into a simple, thin wall coverplate! As of…

Ryan Reynolds Addresses the Deadpool PG-13 Rating… as Deadpool [Video]

9 years ago

So, you might have heard that the upcoming Deadpool movie may get a PG-13 rating, but it seems that Deadpool…

Dress Like Your Favorite Superheroes In Style With Marvel Clothing from Five Four

9 years ago

Good news for fashion conscious geeks who wants to represent their favorite super heroes, but want to do it with…

Why You Really Should Be Playing ‘Life Is Strange’

9 years ago

Life is Strange is not only a game many are not playing, but a episodic game a great many people…

Interstellar Get the “Honest Trailer” Treatment [Video]

9 years ago

Relive Christopher Nolan's space epic Interstellar, a movie so divisive, we might be at war with the Nolanites now!! -Get…

Here are Some Hilariously Bad Chemistry Jokes for April Fools’ Day! [Video]

9 years ago

Our friends over at Reactions have released some fun (and often hilariously bad) chemistry jokes for April Fools' day, and…

Do It YourSelfie 360° Selfie Rig [Pic + Video]

9 years ago

For all you narcissists out there, here's the DIY 360° Selfie Rig, a contraption that allows you to take a…

Treating Your IT Pro Right: The Two-Way Street of Communication and Respect (Sponsored by Canon)

9 years ago

This post is sponsored by the new Canon imageCLASS MF800 Series color printers, designed to help you get through IT. With…

While Away the Work Hours By Playing Pac-Man on Google Maps!

9 years ago

It's not a joke! In honor of April Fool's Day, Google Maps has enacted a Pac-Man feature for (bored) users.…

CASTING ALERT: Stephen Amell to Play Casey Jones in “TMNT 2”!

9 years ago

Pretend it doesn't exist or say what you want about it, but Michael Bay's live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has…