
HUGE Pop Culture T-Shirt and Face Mask Sale!

Ladies and gentlegeeks, our first t-shirt and mask sale of the year has just started! For the next few days, you can get all of our geektastic tees (as well as all those from Teepublic) for just $13, and basic pop culture face masks are $8 (or $6 if your purchase 4!) There’s plenty of awesome designs to choose from, so be sure to check ’em all out!

Just be sure to use the search feature over at the site for the subject that insterests you since there are nearly 10,000 designs to choose from!

THOUSANDS of Pop Culture Tees For Just $13
Geeky Face Masks (Basic) – $8 or $6 if You Buy 4

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.

Geeks are Sexy

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