Star Wars: The Top 20 Coolest Spaceships

The “what is the best ship is the Star Wars universe?” debate will most likely rage forever, because there are so many different answers. Some love the (obvious choice) Millennium Falcon, while others (myself included) think the TIE Fighters are the coolest ship (design) beaming around the galaxy. Den of Geek have thrown together a […]

How ‘Ash Vs Evil Dead’ Took Everything We Loved From The Movies And Made It Better

The Ash VS. Evil Dead show has been an absolute surprise hit among geeks. Who would have thought that Starz would of gotten the tone of the movie so perfectly? i09 was a cool little piece right now about how the show pretty much nails everything about the movie: The beauty of Ash vs Evil […]

The Princess Bride – What’s The Difference: Film vs. Book

Many people hold the film The Princess Bride in highest regard, and they should. It is a damn-near perfect fantasy filled to the brim with unforgettable characters, amazing dialogue, and whimsical moments. And you knew from the beginning it was based on a book (after all, the young boy is having actual book read to […]

Top 10 Dream Castings For Video Game Characters

Games may not always be made into the best movies, but that wont stop us gamers from fantasizing about dream castings for perfect video game movies. WatchMojo came up with a list of ten celebs they think would be perfect for certain gamer characters. Agree or disagree? Did they miss one you wish existed? Take to […]

Are We Finally Getting An ‘Iron Giant’ Sequel???

Iron Giant is one of the greatest animated movies, ever made. From its 50’s art style, to its believable characters and perfectly imperfect world, it was a hard movie not to get hit right in the feels during. Well, as many Iron Giant fans have prayed for years, there may just be a sequel happening. Vin […]