AT-ATimus Prime and Other Custom Transformers: Truly More Than Meets the Eye

Artist and custom toy maker Spoonman is both a fan of Star Wars and The Tranformers, so he decided to create a transforming mashup between the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, and an AT-AT walker from Star Wars. Check out the extra pics below, including some of Spoonman’s other creations!

[Customs by Spoonman | Via Geekologie]

Become a Terrifying Version of Sonic The Hedgehog This Halloween

When the first trailer for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog movie came out earlier this year, people freaked out badly. Even though the people behind the movie promised to redesign the characters, Cosplay_Rim decided that a mask based on the original monstrosity was needed, hence this absolutely horrific Sonic latex mask.

[Sonic Mask for Adults | Via Geekologie]