If you could connect up to 5 devices at a time using just your mobile phone, how would that change how and when you access the internet?

I’ve become somewhat spoiled in recent years spending much of my time on college campuses where there’s wireless, well, everywhere – and it’s fast, too. Though come to think of it, that’s not that unusual anymore – it used to be that only coffee shops and bookstores had wireless access, but now you see it […]

What must-have features should every mobile phone have? What features would you easily give up?

Even though there are hundreds of mobile phone models out there, there is a single thing they all need to do, and do well, place phone calls. As surprising as it may seem, even though I run a blog that’s occasionally gadget-oriented, my mobile (or more specifically, my wife’s mobile) is somewhat limited feature-wise. I’ve […]

Verizon Sinks Its Fangs into AT&T

Here’s yet another Verizon commercial taking a shot at AT&T’s coverage. A spoof of Twilight, this one suggests that you might just lose the eternal love of your vampire soulmate if your download speeds aren’t fast enough. But I think the real issue here is this new twist on the vampire/werewolf debate. Is Verizon suggesting […]

Google Nexus One Officially Unveiled

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] While news of this device leaked quite a while ago (and Google openly distributed it to their employees), the Google Nexus One still drew a crowd today, both online and at Google’s official launch event.  The new phone is similar to other Android devices, such as the popular Droid, but […]

FCC wants universal broadband, universal accessibility and universal boxes

The Federal Communications Commission has unveiled some of its ideas for strengthening the US broadband network to help the economy. The changes could include subsidies to improve provision in rural areas, measures to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and a one-box solution to rival cable and video-on-demand services. The report issued this week (PDF […]

4G mobile broadband becomes a reality

A Swedish firm has become the first to offer 4G mobile broadband services for consumers. But the service has been described as a “killer user experience” rather than a “killer app”. The service from TeliaSonera AB will debut in the next few months, initially in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway, extending it across the two […]