Tim Berners-Lee Details Three Threats To The Web

World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee has labelled fake news as one of three trends that must be tackled to keep the web on track. He also targeted all-or-nothing conditions on personal data, along with unethical political advertising. Writing in The Guardian to mark the 28th anniversary of his original proposal for the web, Berners-Lee […]

IMDb Closes Message Boards

IMDb is to close its message boards and private messages. It stopped short of blaming trolls but said the boards “are no longer providing a positive, useful experience” for most users. Announcing the move, the site said users were increasingly switching to IMDb’s social media pages to discuss movies and communicate with editors. It didn’t […]

New FCC Chief Takes First Shot Against Net Neutrality

The new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission has ditched an investigation into “sponsored data” plans by mobile operators. It may be the first of many steps to loosen the FCC’s enforcement of net neutrality rules. Net neutrality has been at the heart of a long-running debate over the FCC’s powers to regulate internet providers. […]

Google Mistakes Doctors For DOSers

Medical staff in the United Kingdom have been advised to use Bing after Google mistook the National Health Service for a botnet. The NHS, which provides and administers publicly-funded healthcare in the UK, employs more than a million people. Unfortunately that adds up to so many people searching Google via the NHS network (and its […]