Old Spice Voicemail: “I’m On a Phone.”

I love it when the Internet makes stuff happen. Thanks to reddit, there’s now a voicemail generator at oldspicevoicemail.com. Whether you’re “ripping out mass loads of weights” or “on Reddit,” there’s a personalized message for you. Note that though as of this writing the voicemail is appropriate for a guy’s phone, there should soon be […]

The Guild Season 4 Starts With a… Bang

It’s time for a new season of The Guild, the MMORPG-based web series spearheaded by geek favorite Felicia Day. The first episode, “Epic Guilt”, premiered last night at midnight PST. You might remember that last season featured Wil Wheaton as the leader of a rival guild, and it looks like that character is definitely sticking […]

Nosy Search Engines Could Give Better Results

It’s no secret that major search engines try, data protection laws permitting, to use demographic information to provide more accurately-targeted advertisements. Now researchers believe the same details could be used for producing more relevant search results. Ingmar Weber and Carlos Castillo of Yahoo’s research center in Barcelona say there’s a clear pattern between demographics and […]

The End of the World is Near: FarmVille Groceries

Unless you’ve prevented their updates from appearing on your facebook home page, you probably get spammed by Zynga and their stupid games almost every day. And now even those who were bright enough to stop Zynga from spamming them online will have to endure seeing the company’s marketing material at their local 7-Eleven convenience stores. […]

Twitter Sentiment Analysis: How Do We Feel About the iPhone?

Sentiment analysis is tricky anyway, even with thousands of words to mine for “positive” or “negative” indicators and top-notch machine learning and natural language researchers on the case. Of course, distilling a sample down into 140 characters or less suddenly makes that tricky problem much trickier – which is why sentiment analysis for Twitter is […]