Small Glass Disc Could Store Massive Amount of Data “For Eternity”

Researchers say they could put the text of every book every written onto a single glass disc that will outlive the human race. But hopefully they’ll find some more practical uses. The University of Southampton’s Optoelectronics Research Centre believe the disks could be a way of archiving large collections of data in a theoretically permanent […]

Handheld Devices Could Track Location To The Centimeter

Researchers have successfully tested a way to get GPS accurate to a matter of centimeters in handheld devices. It could be a key part of driverless vehicle technology. The University of California team refined an existing approach which previously needed the type of computers that have their own room. They were trying to overcome the […]

Cyber Magician Performs with 24 Quadcopter Drones [Video]

From Illusionist Marco Tempest: My latest production, utilizing autonomous drones, quadcopters, flying close to and around my body like a flock of trained birds. As legislation about the use and safety of flying drones is being debated around the world, this is a timely demonstration. Working with Daito Manabe, Motoi Ishibashi and their team at […]

Federal Law Would Ban Mandatory Smartphone Backdoors

Attempts by two states to weaken the encryption available on smartphones could be blocked by a federal law. The measure would stop laws which could mean a major redesign of many high-profile handsets As we’ve previously covered, state legislators in New York and California are both considering suspiciously similarly worded bills on the matter. Both […]

Google’s Go Computer Steps Up In Competition

Google’s Go-playing software is to take on one of the world’s best players. The match, to be shown live on YouTube, follows the software beating a professional player for the first time. The software, dubbed AlphaGo, is to take on Lee Sedol. Although the game doesn’t have a single undisputed world championship, Sedol is often […]