The Popinator: Because Eating Popcorn Is Crazy-Difficult, You Guys

From the Department of We Have Entirely Too Much Time On Our Hands, this is the Popinator. It’s a popcorn-launching “snack machine” that shoots popcorn to wherever your mouth is. Just say “pop!” and pop! You’re eating popcorn. Isn’t technology AMAZING. Here it is in action, with a slightly less sarcastic listing of its merits. While […]

11 Year Old Wins $20,000 in App Contest

An 11 year old has won $20,000 from AT&T in an app competition to try and discourage texting while driving. In collaboration with the designer David Grau, Victoria Walker created an app called Rode Dog for the “It Can Wait” campaign. How the app works is that you join a “pack” with your friends (you all have […]

Jimmy Kimmel’s “First Look”: iPhone 5 vs. iPhone 4S [Video]

Apple knows that we consumers eat up any new version of any product they manufacture — especially when it comes to their iPhone brand. But what happens when you present an iPhone 4S to innocent, random men and women on the street, but SAY it’s the new iPhone 5? Well, Jimmy Kimmel wanted to find […]

Holding Together a Quantum Computer with Scotch Tape

Have you sometimes found that when you’re facing a really tough problem, an old kindergarten trick can sometimes work quite perfectly? Well apparently that can extend to quantum computers as well. At the University of Toronto, researchers have combined superconducting materials and semiconducting materials using good, wholesome two-sided Scotch tape. Quantum computing is a highly […]

Woz: Apple didn’t deserve to win Samsung case

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says he doesn’t agree with a California court’s decision to rule in favor of the company in its patent battle with Samsung. He also attacked the entire idea of the rival lawsuits. Speaking to Bloomberg, Wozniak said: I don’t think the decision of California will hold. And I don’t agree with […]