On the verge of creating synthetic life

“Can we create new life out of our digital universe?” asks Craig Venter. And his answer is, yes, and pretty soon. He walks the TED2008 audience through his latest research into “fourth-generation fuels” — biologically created fuels with CO2 as their feedstock. His talk covers the details of creating brand-new chromosomes using digital technology, the […]

Want to play God? Hold the Milky Way in the palm of your hand

I don’t usually fall for useless desktop accessories, but when I saw this 3D Living World model of the Milky Way, my brain started trying to convince me that I couldn’t live without one. Each 12 X 12 cm glass cube is created using real space data collected from Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory and holds […]

Magnetic Levitation Haptic Control Technology

Researchers at Carnegie mellon University’s Robotics Institute are currently developing a magnetic levitation system that they claim provides the most realistic sense of touch yet to be seen on similar devices. Possible applications include microsurgery, computer-augmented design, robot control, and even data visualization. Haptics is the study of touching, and haptic technology refers to that […]

Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope is Amazing

In the following video, science educator Roy Gould and Microsoft’s Curtis Wong give an astonishing sneak preview of Microsoft’s new WorldWide Telescope — a technology that combines feeds from satellites and telescopes all over the world and the heavens, and weaves them together holistically to build a comprehensive view of our universe.

A Revolution in Nanoelectronics: Nokia Morph Concept

The Nokia Morph is a flexible, two-piece concept device that can adapt its shape according to the task its user wants it to accomplish. Thanks to nanotechnology, Morph can sense its environment, harvest solar energy, and also clean itself automatically. Featured in The Museum of Modern Art “Design and The Elastic Mind” exhibition, the Morph […]

Five sci-fi scenarios that will come true

By Mark O’Neill An interesting little article has cropped up on PC World about “five sci-fi scenarios that will eventually become true”.   They are : Biometric Security (as seen in Minority Report) Space Tourism (as seen in 2001 : A Space Odyssey) The Holodeck (as seen in Star Trek) Self-Aware Computers (as seen in 2001 […]