iPhone is the perfect tool for criminals
Here’s a short clip that was supposed to be aired on Saturday Night Live, but somehow didn’t make it to the final cut. Enjoy! ads from Shopzilla
Here’s a short clip that was supposed to be aired on Saturday Night Live, but somehow didn’t make it to the final cut. Enjoy! ads from Shopzilla
Here’s a short clip from ‘Curb’, which shows you how to deal with annoying people who feel the need to use a Bluetooth headset everywhere. Enjoy!
It’s late, I’m bored, and this made me laugh. Enjoy.
This simple technique will help you bring those scratched CD’s and DVD’s back to life. Before proceeding, be sure that you have the following ingredients: 1- A regular household microwave 2- Ice cream 3- Chocolate syrup 4- An egg 5- A sliced dill pickle 6- A marshmallow hamburger We’ve covered several technique on how to […]
The following video will tell you exactly why men should always pee sitting down. Ok, I know this isn’t tech related, but I’m sure it’ll help you pass the afternoon with a smile on your face. Enjoy!
Halloween is quickly approaching, so now’s the perfect time to start learning how to survive a Zombie uprising. Here’s an invaluable guide that will teach you the best ways to avoid, evade, and if need be, fight your run-of-the-mill Zombie horde. Enjoy the show!
With this Blade Server ad, IBM is obviously trying to bash HP, their main rival in the rack mounted server market. IBM claims that HP’s blade servers run way too hot, but of course, HP claims the contrary. Who’s right? I guess we’ll never truly know, unless we decide to test those servers ourselves.
This must be one of the best Darth Vader mash-ups I’ve seen since we’ve posted the one where our dark friend plays at being a smartass. Enjoy! (via Neatorama)
For all you guys out there, please remember that If hockey jungle sex threeway, you could sex cars giant breasts, and with power tools sex sports beef jerky miss november, that could mean golf scotch fried bologna sandwiches. Enjoy the show!
I know the Toyota Tacoma isn’t the kind of truck that would usually generate a lot of buzz from the gaming community, but in this case, Toyota may have a winner on their hands with the following commercial. I’m not exactly sure what a gaming geek would do with a pickup truck, but hey, the […]