@BrentSpiner: Embiggening YouTube’s Awesomeness

Brent Spiner, portrayer of Star Trek TNG’s Commander Data and that one long-haired scientist from “Independence Day,” has been hanging around on Twitter for quite some time. Increasing his real estate on teh interntz, he just launched a web series over on YouTube called “Fresh Hell.” The first episode, clocking in at just over three […]

REMINDER: Geeky Banana Sculptures + Fruit / Vegetable Sculpting Contest [Pics]

EDIT: We Only received 2 entries so far for the contest (see below)! Come on geeks, we need more! Hey ladies and gentlegeeks! After seeing these geektastic banana sculptures on Obvious Winner, a brilliant idea came to me: why not ask you guys to sculpt something geeky on a fruit or vegetable of your choice? […]