Another Geeky Alphabet For Your Viewing Pleasure!

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Back in May, our own Casey created a fantastic pictorial alphabet for geeks.  Well another one has popped up on the interwebs…full of comic book heroes, TV show characters, and the occasionally obscure fanboy reference…right up your alley, right?  Check out these choice letters! D is for Doctor See […]

Science Is Sexy: Will Nanobots Save Us From Cancer?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] By now, everyone and their mother has heard of nanotechnology and how it is either going to save us or obliterate us in a sea of gray goo.  What exactly IS it, though?  Well like microbiology, the field is too vast to describe effectively beyond “things happening on […]

Ten Ways to be a Healthier, Maybe Even Sexier Geek

Summer approaches, and if you’re like me, the life of a geek tends to make thoughts of stepping out in front of other people in your bathing suit a little terrifying. Wii Fit aside, many games (*cough*DragonAge*cough*) play to our obsessive sides, and make it so easy to spend hours with our rear ends parked […]

Forget the iPad, This 1984 Macintosh Runs OS X Snow Leopard

Now this is hard core geek awesome. As a long-time Mac user, myself, I was absolutely floored by this Instructables piece by gmjhowe. Here were his guidelines—the end result is nothing short of gorgeous: 1.  Do not alter, cut, deform, change, or break the original Mac in anyway, I wanted to be able to return […]