A Tour of Volpin Props’ Geektastic Workshop [Video]

While at Dragon*Con in Atlanta a few weeks ago, the team from Tested stopped by the Volpin Props HQ to get a tour of the amazing workshop of one of the Internet’s most renowned prop maker, Harrison Krix. If you’re an aspiring prop maker or a DIYer, you should definitely check this video out! [Tested […]

The Wonder Woman Movie That Could — Nay, Should! — Be! [Fan Short]

After innumerable stops and starts on just as many innumerable Wonder Woman projects, Rainfall Films took it upon themselves to create a 2:30-long short film. There is no dialogue, but it juxtaposes Diana battling SWAT guys on Earth with minotaurs on Themyscira, against beautiful music and Zack Snyder-esque fight scenes. Rileah Vanderbilt (Team Unicorn, Saber […]