Prepare your Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam With The Official PMP 6 Certification Training Course (84% OFF!)

Prepare for your PMP exam with over 40+ hours of interactive PMBOK-based lectures and games and over 1,000 exam prep questions! Just $79 instead of the suggested MSRP of $499.00! Plus, save an EXTRA 20% by using promo code 20SAVE20 at checkout!

Project Management Professional (PMP)® is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. Whether you are new to Project Management or on your way to completing your 35 hours of study to sit for your PMP Certification Exam this course will give you the skills you need. This class is delivered on-demand and allows you to spend as much time as you need on each of the subject areas. The delivery of the course is interactive and comes with games, over 1,000 exam prep questions and much more.

The Official PMP 6 Certification Training Course$499.00 $79 (Use Promo Code 20SAVE20 for an EXTRA 20% OFF!)

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