Cosplayer Izabel Cortez and a few of her friends briefly became the Suicide Squad for the time of a photoshoot, and the result is totally fantastic! Photography by Winky Dionisio.
Harley Quinn: Izabel Cortez
The Joker: Xidge Sparrow
Captain Boomerang: John Mark Royale Tizon
Katana: Daihne Cortes
Enchantress: Daph Cortes
Colonel Rick Flag: Fred Viñas
Deadshot: Raymart Reyes
Killer Croc: Dan Reysoma
El Diablo: Myke Dela Paz
Amanda Waller: Annabelle Ceñir
Photography: Winky Dionisio
Killer Croc mask by Cyback Metafusion Design
[Via FG]