Teaser Logos of Armies & Still from Ender’s Game

Ender Asp

Are you shaking in your boots waiting for the Ender’s Game movie set to come out later this year? Well if you’re an Ender’s Game fan, I’m sure you are, and if not, then maybe you should be.

As the hype starts to ramp up for the movie, it seems the marketers are taking full advantage of the already thriving fan base by releasing teaser logos of four of the armies from the Battle School on four different fan sites. The Asp logo was released on Ender’s Game Fansite, the Rat on Ender’s Ansible, the Dragon on Ender News and the Salamander on Enderwiggen.

The day following the release of the logos, the sites were also given exclusive releases of the first still from the movie. It was a smart move, reaching out across a range of fan sites, scooping up almost all the fans in one fell swoop. It’s certainly whet my appetite!

[Ender’s Game Fansite | Ender’s Ansible | Ender News | Enderwiggen | Via Nerd Approved]