Powermat Wireless Charging: Lose the Cords

Powermat has just released its lineup of wireless chargers last Wednesday. Their first online ads are out, and they’re pretty darn hilarious. Check them out! (Warning: Video contains strong language) The Powermat Wireless Charging System provies a simple, fast and efficient way to keep all your favorite personal electronic devices charged. Enabling your devices with […]

World’s Thinnest Speakers

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could just hang your speakers on the walls, just like you do with calendars or movie posters? Well friends, if the following technology ever takes off, this may eventually become reality. Developed by researchers at Taiwan-based ITRI, Flexpeakers are composed of arrays of tiny speakers that can be attached […]

Fun with the D&D 4th Edition Character Builder

By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] Although I’ve been playing a 4th Edition campaign for over a year now, I hadn’t had a chance to play with the D&D Character Builder yet. While our campaign has been extremely successful –the longest-lasting most enjoyable we’ve ever run– my husband, the DM, wanted to give one of […]

Sony introduces Amazon download store; faces PS3 Blu-ray lawsuit

It’s a day of good news and bad news for Sony. The good news is that it’s launched an Amazon store for downloadable content which could get new sales from wary customers. The bad news is that it’s facing a class action lawsuit over charging $150 to repair damage allegedly causes by a recent PS3 […]