Reader Geeky Pics: Show Us Your Desk!

catdeskOur teapot blowing contest was such a success that here at [GAS] we realized a couple of things: (a) you guys are very photogenic and don’t mind showing it; and (b) if you’re willing to take a picture of yourself blowing into a teapot, then getting some more mundane geekiness out of you should be a piece of cake.

I’ve been doing Wednesday Geeky Pics for a while now (almost a year!), which involves my scouring Flickr for the best from the Creative Commons-licensed masses. But really, the best geeks in the world are right here, so why go scouring when the photographic evidence can come to me? Plus, here’s an opportunity for you all to get to know each other.

So to kick off what will hopefully be lots of future fun: Send us pictures of your computer setup. Desk at home, office, laptop at a coffee shop, whatever best illustrates your tech in its natural habitat. This of course can include the obligatory “I was going to take a picture of my desk but the dang cat wouldn’t get out of way” photograph.

And as a (meager) incentive to get you clicking, we’ll offer some prizes: $20 to the coolest-looking setup and $20 for the messiest one, as determined by the [GAS] staff, of course. Payable in geek cred. (Okay, no, payable via Paypal.)

All pictures will be posted here on the blog, credited in whatever way you desire (i.e, your name/pseudonym.)

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