A Keyboard… How Quaint

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] CNET News reports that this week’s ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology could reveal some interesting new developments in the area of computer interfaces. But is it time to abandon the mouse and keyboard for Star Trek levels of speech input technology? Maybe not just yet. According […]

But Some of My Favorite Words Have Four Letters!

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The USPTO recently awarded a new patent to Microsoft: automatic censorship of audio data for broadcast. Simply put, it’s a way to detect “undesired words or phrases” in a speech audio stream and automatically garble them. Just imagine! No longer must we live in a world in which our […]

Standby power: Electronics that drain your wallet, even when they’re off

Some electronic devices keep on drawing power, even when they’re “off.” While some of them have a function, like displaying the time or offering remote control functionalities, most don’t. Typical “vampire” appliances can consume up to 25 watts each, an amount that could make a significant difference in your electricity bill by the end of […]

Apple Releases 2 New “Get a Mac” Commercials

Apple just released another batch of their “Windows-Bashing” commercials. They’re somehow trying to pass the message that Microsoft spends much more money on advertising than they do on fixing real issues with Vista. I’d be curious to compare the advertising budget of both companies to see who’s spending the most. I wouldn’t be surprised if […]