Google Rolls out Google Suggest

Starting today, Google will be gradually rolling out Google Suggest from their test labs to various google home pages around the world. As I’m sure you can guess, the new feature will suggest search words in real time as you’re typing. But why should you get excited by this new feature? Steve over at [H] really said it best: “I can’t wait until it is live so I can slowly type the word “analyst” and see what pops up.”

Today we’re excited because Google Suggest will be “graduating” from Labs and available by default on the homepage. Over the next week, we’ll be rolling this out so that more and more of you will start seeing a list of query suggestions when you start typing into the search box.

Apart from analyst, can YOU think of any other seemingly innocuous search words that would produce funny search queries? Let us know in the comments section!

At a loss for words? [Official Google Blog]

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