Make the Jump to Hyperspace in This GIGANTIC Millennium Falcon Bouncy House

Magic Jump recently released this gorgeous officially licensed Millennium Falcon inflatable bouncy house that measures 35′ x 30′ x 15′! It might not be the official size of the ship, but it’s likely the closes you’ll get in your backyard. Oh, there’s just one small detail: It nearly costs $10,000. The exterior features a comprehensive […]

Step Inside the Pitch Meeting that Led to the CATS Movie! [Video]

From Screen Rant: The internet had a ton of fun when the first trailer for CATS was released, revealing the true fear that is digital fur technology. With an all-star cast featuring the likes of Judi Dench, Ian McKellan, Idris Elba, Taylor Swift, James Corden, Rebel Wilson and more- CATS is the big screen adaptation […]

Skywatch: Ambitious Sci-Fi Short

Two young guys hack into a drone delivery service by changing recipient’s orders. What could possibly go wrong? Um, plenty. However, like Alive in Joberg or Kenobi, this sequence leaves us wanting more, and we hope the story can be expanded on at some point. Colin Levy wrote and directed the Hollywood-quality short Skywatch using […]

THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 Will Be Available Fall 2020!

We haven’t watched the season finale of The Mandalorian yet (#toomanykids), but are planning to watch it later tonight when the army of munckins is asleep. One thing we’ve all been wondering, though, is when season two will be available? Well, geeks, wonder no more, Jon Favreau just posted on twitter that we’ll have to […]