India’s Nishi Ghost: Unveiling the Nocturnal Nightmare

In the cultures of the Indian subcontinent, it can be confusing to distinguish between demons, spirits, and deities. Unlike in the Western hemisphere, where there is a clear separation between “good” and “evil,” things are more complicated there. An example of this complexity is a creature called Nishi, which is active at night. While Nishi […]

Surprising Facts About 10 Ancient Landmarks

For centuries, and in certain instances even millennia, historic landmarks have captivated travelers from around the world. Renowned structures such as the Roman Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, and the Eiffel Tower possess such unique characteristics that one can instantly recognize them by their outlines alone. However, the question remains: how much do we […]

Surprisingly Plausible Real-Life Explanations For Mythical Creatures

Creatures such as the narwhal, the okapi, or the Komodo dragon have managed to transcend the realm of myth and enter the realm of reality. However, although scientifically intriguing, these examples fall short of the fantastical and legendary creatures like unicorns, Bigfoot, or the whimsical entities that captivate cryptozoologists all around the world. Real-life manifestations […]

The First Avengers Movie was Made 50 Years Ago… In Turkey?!?

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, before Marvel became the master of superhero movies and even before the days of the mighty Hulk smashing through TV screens, there existed a Turkish cinematic gem called 3 Dev Adam, aka Three Giant Men. Now, brace yourself for a tale of unauthorized heroism! Picture […]