Is That Dress Bigger On The Inside?

Ever since Black Milk Clothing took over the geek chic scene with their intergalactic tights and 8-bit swim suits (not to mention the incredibly cool R2D2 and C3PO designs) girls have rallied behind the fashion line. Yesterday, BMC released a long-anticipated fan favorite – Dr. Who Tardis mini dress and leggings. Girls stalked the internet […]

France’s three strikes download policy under threat

France is reportedly considering defunding the agency that enforced its controversial “three strikes” policy on illegal downloaders. But it appears the country’s new administration will not overturn the law itself. The country passed the law in May 2009. It created a new government agency, Hadopi, which would keep track of alleged copyright infringements. Those accused […]

Facebook Stories: Inspiring uses of Facebook

Facebook Stories is a fairly recent innovation from Facebook. With the subtitle of “People using Facebook in extraordinary ways”, videos can be uploaded here to exhibit how Facebook can be used to change people’s lives. The first video for August tells a truly inspiring story of how Mayank Sharma lost 27 years of his life in […]