Programming a Core Subject from Grade 1 in Estonia

Imagine a world where learning the language of computers was a fundamental subject in our education alongside mathematics, languages and sciences. If you think about it, that is actually the world we live in today: programming pervades almost every profession out there to some extent or another, and having a basic understanding of how software […]


We live in a ridiculously hyper fast pace life where information is exchanged so rapidly that it makes us feel inadequate and drains our attention span. This painting was executed at the GALORE festival in Copenhagen, Denmark. The painting is a time-lapse composed of over 9,000 photos and painted over a 5-day period. As irony […]

Anti-Copyright Bots Shut Down the Hugo Awards

The Hugo Awards are an annual awards ceremony honoring the very best in written science fiction and fantasy in different categories. The Hugo is named after Amazing Stories founder Hugo Gernsback The awards are presented each year by the World Science Fiction Society at the World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon). In more recent years, the […]

Behind the Great Firewall of China [Video]

Michael Anti (aka Jing Zhao,) a key figure in China’s new journalism, has been blogging from China for 12 years. Despite the control the central government has over the Internet — “All the servers are in Beijing” — he says that hundreds of millions of microbloggers are in fact creating the first national public sphere […]

Only 16% of Americans Understand “The Cloud”

That’s right. A stunningly low proportion of only 16% Americans know what “the cloud” is, according to a national survey conducted by Wakefield Research, commissioned by Citrix. Other stunning statistics to come out of the survey are as follows: 29% of correspondents responded with a reference to an actual cloud, the sky or something related […]