What content or web sites do you check out most on your phone?

As I noted a few days ago, I’m kind of lost without my smart phone, largely because I feel like I need to be connected to my email constantly. Of course, it also means that I’ve got access to all kinds of content – the whole web at my fingertips, so to speak.

In my post about apps, I mentioned Wikipanion, which is a way to access Wikipedia on my phone – definitely one of the things I check out most often. And even without an app, Wikipedia is great for phone browsing since the interface streamlines when you open it up on your phone.

Of course, my mobile web surfing habits tend to vary based on the specific situations – like last week when I was stuck in a doctor’s waiting room for an hour without a book. I spent most of the time browsing through Amazon on my phone, looking for a Mother’s Day gift.

I find my phone pretty easy to read on as well, and so sometimes I’ll read the news sites in the morning while I’m waiting for the bus.

What about you guys? What content or web sites do you check out most on your phone?

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