Wednesday Geeky Pics: People Dressed Like Spock

After over a year of near-weekly pics posts, sometimes it’s a challenge to come up with a new topic. Sometimes I just go to Flickr and put in “geeky” as a keyword and look around for a while until something catches my fancy. Sometimes a theme will simply emerge from things that show up; for example, a surprising number of people like to take pictures of Pacman-inspired food. Today, what I found was a lot of people dressed like Spock. Voila!

There are, of course, some dangers inherent in dressing as Spock. – helix90 (CC)

Live long and prosper! – Monsieur Gordon (CC)

Classic Spock, circa 1984. The best part is, this guy might have kids no who want to dress like Spock. (Or, you know, Spock Reloaded.) – clintjcl (CC)

Spock at Comic Con 2009. With bonus eyebrow! – istolethetv (CC)

Spock in a Halloween parade. With that facial hair, he actually looks part Original Series Klingon to me, which is an interesting twist. – feastoffools (CC)

Spock as sentry. You kind of want to mess with him, like the guards at Buckingham Palace. Maybe yank on his ear. – jossette (CC)

“My name is Spock and I will be your server today. Live long and prosper. Would you like to try the fish?” – sea-turtle (CC)

And out of all of these, I think these girls managed to pull it off the best.

ocherdraco (CC)

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