Wednesday Geeky Pics: Geek Families

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means that – for those of you in America anyway – many of you will be having the great joy of (or coping with, depending on how you feel about them) having some quality family time. And the family that geeks out together stays together… so here’s a few examples of some happy, geeky families.

Are you a PC or a Mac? Sometimes it’s decided for you from birth! worldmegan (CC)

The force is strong with this family. ch (CC)

It’s important to appreciate your geeky family members early on; they can only be a good influence! amanda-clint (CC)

Seven out of ten Doctors agree that though this is not a typical family photo, there’s something to be said for DNA… tonyjcase (CC)

Incredible, right? Nothing says family bonding like cosplay. nathaninsandiego (CC)

The family of the future! sparktography (CC)

Brothers fighting isn’t unusual, but I think this might be one of the geekiest weapon choices I’ve seen. salihan (CC)

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